Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

beeswax candles

bay . this is a great recycle project Because You can use old tins and jars form your pantry ( big tomato ple Orchard Fragrance OilApple Orchard Fragrance OilPlumeria Fragrance OilPlumeria Fragrance nd cleaner . A byCategories : Outdoor , Outdoor Spac  06:09:10 4:00 P Sarah Rae Trover2Comments ( 13 )Is there any way to Utilize ( vaporize ) citronella without a flame ? We enjoy picnics outside . But , living in DC , most areas are outdoors federal parks , and the park police react faster to open flames how to make candles at home than protests . Lighting cnadles is not an option in the park . Any other way to get the candle with the flame effect ? Thanks !hollyann Three Years Agohollyann :I am too lazy to make the candles myself , but the info about " fake " citronella was very helpful ! Now I know to look for candles that say they use the re

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